Family history through the alphabet – D is for Deceased

Family History Through the Alphabet - Picture from Gould GenealogyD is for Deceased

I get many comments that it is strange to have a hobby that has so much focus on the dead, but genealogy has also given me several new living relatives, several of whom I have regular correspondence with. As far as the deceased are concerned I see this as an opportunity to document their lives and their fates, which are many and varied. A chance for some of them to be remembered before everyone who may interested in their stories joins them on the list of those who are gone. Among causes of death that I have found are fire, drowning, roof falls, crushed by a pit tub, run over by a steam traction engine, manslaughter, consumption, unsuccessful surgery on a brain tumour and many more. A lot of the fun in this hobby comes from finding out more about these people than just their names and dates. Fascinating to see what kind of lives they led and reflect on the influence that has had on subsequent generations including mine.

D is for Davis

D is also for Davis. My great grandmother, Mary Davis, was born at Whitwood Mere in Yorkshire on Christmas Eve 1868. Great great grandfather George Davis is from Madeley Wood in Shropshire, but came to Northumberland to work in the mines.

D is for deadline

Tonight I am also going to have to admit that D is for deadline. I have just a couple of minutes to get this published as my postaday before Cindarella’s coach turns back into a pumpkin pulled by little white mice.

If you would like to know more about this challenge take a look at Family History the Alphabet.

9 thoughts on “Family history through the alphabet – D is for Deceased

  1. I have a t-shirt with the saying “I seek dead people” on it. So very appropriate for genealogists, while everyone else gives you wierd looks. Finding the stories behind the people (including how they died) is the best part.

    • I bet that t-shirt raises a lot of smiles as well as the sceptical looks. As you say, the best part of all the seeking is when the stories behind the people materialise.

      • What a great t-shirt Alona… my daughter likes to refer to my “hobby” as “digging up old bones”. Gets a few “looks” when she tells the unitiated that this is what I’m up to 🙂

  2. Great post Lynda! … Just received the Death Certificate for my GGGrandfather – he died from “a softening of the brain”. My father, Henry’s GGrandson, sufferred severe “dementia” for the last 10 years of his life. mmmhhh… could the “softening of the brain” be hereditary? I’m off to do some brain hardening exercises… 😉 Cheers

    • Softening of the brain was an interesting one. Not heard that before. Sure your genealogy and blogging activities will ensure yours doesn’t soften 🙂

  3. Totally Agree. Since I have been researching the “Deceased”, I have met so many wonderful new (living) relatives who have welcomed me into their families. It is also great to find out about your deceased relatives and where you came from. It is also amazing that so many family traits and characteristics have been passed down through the generations. Environment might play a big part in who we are but so do our genes!

    • As you say Sharon, we formed by both environment and genes. Fascinating to see how various traits have followed through in several lines when me meet new living relatives.

Constructive comments and new relatives are welcome: